My Wicked Earl: Wicked Lords of London Book 6 Page 9
Rex grinned. He’d better tread carefully. “How is the dinner prep going?”
“Quite good, I think, but you’d better come have a look. Theo, the staff Rex hired begins tomorrow so, for tonight, you’ll have to put away your pretense and eat in the kitchen with us.”
Theo’s face tightened. “If I’d had any idea that your circumstances were so dire, I—”
“There’s no need.” She gave him a small pat on the arm. “I didn’t tell my mother or my sister because they needed to focus on finding, well, finding you.”
Rex squeezed her waist a little tighter. How could Petal not know how strong and brave she was? She’d been so busy focusing on her one transgression, she’d forgotten to see her worth. They made their way down to the kitchen and went about making dinner. It was an exceptionally pleasant evening and in Rex’s heart, he was glad to know this was his family.
It did occur to him that Theo might not approve of his plan to have Petal sleep by his side. But he’d made her a promise and it was one he intended to keep. Just before dinner, he excused himself to head upstairs. He had an idea. There was more than one entrance to her room.
* * *
Daffodil watched Rex leave the kitchen. He turned back and gave her a wink before he disappeared. What was he up to?
He must be plotting for this evening. Sleeping against him had been bliss. She’d never been wrapped in such a cocoon of warmth in her life. She hoped he was making a plan and that it worked because she didn’t want to sleep without him.
Nor did she want to simply sleep. Tomorrow they would be man and wife. She didn’t want to wait any longer to be his. Something had shifted today. She no longer cared how other people would judge her. Of course, she knew they would marry or she wouldn’t give herself to him, but all the same, it would be fun to break a rule. Even if just for one night.
The rest of the evening passed with agonizing slowness. It was delightful to get to know Theo, of course. He was perfect for her sister but she longed to end the evening and curl into Rex’s embrace.
She nearly jumped from her chair when Theo gave a jaw-splitting yawn. “I barely slept last night. Wonderful as this is, I should retire. Tomorrow will be a full day.”
“I agree,” she replied quickly. Rex gave her a quick wink as Jacob also rose.
“Bed already?” Jacob scrunched his face. “Today was too exciting to sleep.”
“Tomorrow will be exciting too,” she soothed.
But Jacob twisted up his face. “Says you. Weddings are for girls.”
The other two men laughed. “One day, Jacob, you’ll understand how wrong you are.”
“I doubt it.” Jacob grimaced. “I don’t think I’ll ever marry.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Of course you will. You’ve an heir to create.” Daffodil gave her brother a gentle push toward the door.
“Your sister is right.” Rex fell in behind her. “It will be your duty,” he said, then he dropped his voice very low so only she could hear. “And your greatest joy.” Then he leaned away again. “To continue your line for the next generation.”
Jacob shrugged. “Maybe I shouldn’t bother. What have the Chase’s done anyway but nearly ruin the earldom?”
Daffodil placed a hand over her heart. Her brother always seemed so positive, she hadn’t considered how difficult this might have been on him. “Well you are not that kind of Chase. You will save our legacy.”
Jacob’s shoulder went up and down. “Will I? Or will you and Violette actually save it through the matches you’ve made?”
She reached out and touched her brother’s elbow. “I know you will be a great success. You have your whole life ahead of you.”
“Thanks, Petal.” His lips turned up but his eyes didn’t twinkle the way they usually did.
Petal made a note to have this conversation with her brother again when they could speak more privately.
She showed Theo to his chambers and then checked on Mrs. Fields before retiring to her own room. She quickly set about changing out of her clothes and into a night rail. Her mother had purchased bed wear for her sister that had been lacy and beautiful. Daffodil wished she had something like that now, but she decided to make up for it by unpinning her hair and brushing it into a nice, soft sheen then she left it undone.
She still didn’t know how Rex would sneak into her room but she was certain he’d found a way. Still it surprised her when a pebble bounced off her window.
No…he wasn’t actually going to attempt the garden wall again was he? She stifled a nervous giggle as she crossed the room and threw open the window. The man had a death wish.
“You can’t be serious?” she called by way of greeting.
Hands on his hips, he grinned up at her. “Look at the foot of your bed.”
She turned, and tied to one of the posts was a thick cord of rope. It was neatly coiled and just sticking out from under the bedskirt. She couldn’t hold the laugh in this time as she grabbed the rope and dragged it to the window, tossing it out. It snaked down the wall and landed on the soft ground with a thud. “You’re sure the knot will hold you?”
“I’m a sailor,” he grabbed the rope and began effortlessly scaling the wall. When he’d reached the sill of her window, he gave her a devilish grin. “Tying knots and climbing ropes are my business.”
“I can see that.” She reached for his hand and began to help him through the window. “I don’t know how I could have questioned your abilities.”
“Exactly,” he returned as he swung his leg over and then climbed through. Rather than take her in his arms, however, he turned and began pulling up the rope. He neatly coiled it as he went and then untied it from the bed. Tucking the ends together, he placed it in her wardrobe. “We can’t have anyone discovering the evidence.”
Jealousy prickled along her skin. “You’ve done this before.”
He straightened and crossed over to where she stood by the window, gathering her in his arms. “No love, I’ve never done anything like this before. Not even close.”
“Oh,” she sighed as his lips found the sensitive spot just behind her ear. “Well that does sound better.”
“Now let’s get you snug under the covers since you are already in your night clothes.” He murmured against the shell of her ear.
As he lifted her feet of the cold floor, she pressed tight to him. “I could get used to being carried around like this.”
“What a lovely coincidence.” His breath tickled along her skin. “I could get used to holding you like this.” Then, embracing her with one arm, he peeled back the covers and lay her on the bed, his weight coming down on top of hers.
Wiggling so that the hem of her dressing gown rode up, their bodies rubbed together in all the right places. They both groaned as her legs wrapped about his waist. “Petal,” he ground out, his voice gravelly as he smoothed her hair back from her face. “Please don’t do that. Not that I don’t appreciate your vigor but…” He drew in a long breath, “I’m trying to do the right thing and—”
“I don’t want you to.” She looked up into his eyes, her heart hammering in her chest as her need for him made her body ache. “Do the right thing. I am ruined and you’re a rake. Let’s be bad.”
His mouth stood ajar as he looked down at her for a moment. “We’re getting married tomorrow—”
“Exactly.” She wagged her eyebrows. “How bad would it be really? Just a little.”
He let out a deep, masculine chuckle. “From the moment I met you, I thought you were the most interesting woman I’d ever encountered. This Petal, however, who goes around blackmailing dukes and begging me to be naughty might be my most favorite ever.”
“So is that a yes?” She wiggled again and felt him swell against her most intimate area.
His lips captured hers in a demanding kiss that left her breathless and wanting. With a moan, she wrapped her arms about his neck even as her legs squeezed tighter.
His hands began to explore her curve
s causing her skin to erupt on pleasure. When his hand moved up her thigh and touched her most intimate folds, her entire body spasmed in pleasure.
Her reaction sent them both into a frenzy. Their lips clung together even as they tugged at each other’s clothing until blessed skin touched skin.
Daffodil drew in a shaky breath as the hair along his chest tickled at hers. “Oh, that is so much better than I ever imagined.”
He pulled away for a moment, but just as she was about to protest, he covered the round flesh, tweaking her nipple. Daffodil’s head fell back as her breath escaped in a moan.
The tip of his manhood pressed against her opening and as he slowly pushed inside her, a twinge of pain made her tense. But his lips found hers and, while it hurt, the press of his body to hers and the feeling of his lips made her relax. She was safe with him. Her heart swelled as he pushed all the way inside. “I love you, Rex,” she murmured against his lips.
“I love you too, my sweet flower.” He didn’t move as he kissed her over and over. “I’ll never love another. Everything in this world that is mine I give to you.”
“I only want your heart,” her voice trembled as he pulled back out. It didn’t hurt as much, but it didn’t feel good either.
“You’ve had that since the moment I met you.” He began a very slow but steady rhythm as her body adjusted to the new sensations he evoked. As the pain subsided, a pleasure unlike any she’d ever known began to build. As their bodies moved together the urgency intensified until they were breathlessly careening toward completion.
Of what, Daffodil wasn’t entirely sure. “Rex,” she breathed, intending to ask the question but she lost her voice as another wave of pleasure washed over her.
“Petal.” He groaned out her name as, amazingly, the tempo sped even faster. Without warning, her pleasure finally broke, sending her into spasms of ecstasy. A moment later, he cried out his own completion.
They lay in each other’s arms and Petal was certain she’d never been more tired or satisfied in her life.
Her eyes drifted closed but his hand brushed across her face. “Don’t fall asleep on me yet, love.”
“Why not,” she murmured as he slid to the side and pulled the covers up about her. She snuggled deep into the rippling muscles of his chest.
“Tomorrow is our wedding.” He began kissing her forehead, her eyes, her cheeks.
“Mmmm,” she answered, only half awake.
“Don’t you want to stay awake and plan our future?” Even as he said the words he fit her tighter to his body.
“We’ve got all the time in the world to plan.” She replied, her hand resting on the flat of his bare stomach. There was something so right about touching like this. It held as much intimacy as the act they had just completed.
“So we do.” He ran his fingers through the long strands of her dark hair. “I never pictured this for myself but now that I have you, I can’t imagine my life being any other way.”
“Me either.” Then she lifted her head. “And I’m holding you to your promise. I never want to sleep anywhere but by your side.”
“Consider it granted.”
“Wake up, love. It’s our wedding day,” Rex whispered close to Daffodil’s ear.
Her lips curved into a small smile. “We’ve been married a month.”
His chest rumbled with a silent laugh but she felt it under her cheek. “True but today is the day the rest of the world knows it.”
She looked up at her husband then, her bare chest rubbing against his side. His manhood swelled, and her hand began to slide toward it. “What do they matter?” She found the velvety flesh and began to lightly stroke it. “I know I am your countess.”
His teeth snapped together. “Your mother—” but the words died as her lips pressed up to his.
She was teasing him terribly, she knew. But next to lovemaking, it had become one of her favorite pastimes. Last night at dinner, she’d stretched her foot out under the table and, kicking off her slipper, head begun to rub his groin with her toes. His eyes had nearly bulged from his head. “I spent so long being worried about what I was doing wrong. What would happen if others discovered what I had done?” She gave a little shudder. “But with you…” She kissed him long and slow. “It doesn’t matter what the rest of the world thinks. I know it is right.”
In an instant, Rex flipped them both over, tucking her body under his. “And I know that you are a woman that deserved the respect of the world. Which is why we are getting up and preparing for our second wedding.” Then he slipped inside of her. “Just as soon as I’ve finished making love to you.”
She might have giggled except for he pulled back out, making her body spasm in need. Their lovemaking was quick and needy, full of their emotion and their desire as they climbed together.
As they lay wrapped in each other’s embrace, Daffodil would have loved nothing more than to stay in bed with him all day, but he was right. For her mother’s sake, they needed to attend their own wedding. And, since her sister and Theo were marrying at the same time, it would be doubly rude not to attend.
He finally slipped out of her room but he pulled the servants’ cord on his way out. Soon her room was bustling with activity as her bath was brought in, her clothes laid out, her hair swept back in a lose coif.
Daffodil fingered the lace overlay of her petal-pink gown. How different this day was from the first one she’d met him. She’d been dressed as a servant with the smell of burnt meat invading her lungs. Now, the smell of rosewater filled her nostrils as she dressed in the finest gown she’d ever owned.
A knock sounded at the door and her sister, Violette, asked, “Ready?”
Violette looked radiant in a pale blue organza silk gown and Daffodil gasped to see her sister. Their mother entered behind her.
Never an affectionate woman, Daffodil was surprised to see tears in the older woman’s eyes. “My daughters,” she gushed.
Her and Violette exchanged a wide-eyed stare as Lady Westcliff kissed each of them on the cheek.
Violette grasped her hand. “How far we’ve come. I wish I could go back a year and assure myself that we’d make it through and end up better for our struggles.”
Daffodil squeezed her sister’s hand. “I know what you mean. All the same, we’ve grown so much for not knowing. I wouldn’t change that.”
“Easy for you to say.” Jacob appeared in the open doorway. “I’ve still got a fortune to build and a life to create.” Then he held out an elbow to each of his sisters.
Daffodil gave his arm a light squeeze. “A few years from now, you’ll be richer than rich and taking your own trip down the aisle.”
“I doubt it.” Jacob gave his head a shake. “But I am extremely happy for both of you.”
Daffodil shook her head. There was no telling a boy Jacob’s age that he was wrong. But he’d find out soon enough. If Rex could be swayed to marriage, any man could.
They made their way through the house and then climbed into a waiting carriage that would whisk them to the church on the estate’s grounds.
She’d expected Rex to be inside but both Rex and Theo stood on the steps of the church. As the carriage pulled up the drive, they made their way down the steps and waved the footmen away. “I’ll see to my bride,” Rex rumbled as he snapped open the door.
“I’m not sure I’ll get used to that,” her mother muttered.
Daffodil didn’t answer. She wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Hello, my love.” Rex held his hand out to her and she took it, easily stepping out of the carriage and into his embrace.
“You’re sure you want to do this?” She grinned knowing that they were already married. “You might be getting stuck with the most useless Chase.”
His eyes darkened as he looked down at her. “Your talents are the immeasurable kind. The kind that are too valuable to be held up to a ruler.”
Warmth spread through her. “I can measure yours. Ever
y time we’re together my body temperature rises.”
His deep, masculine laugh filled her heart even as he wrapped an arm about her waist. “I’m the luckiest of all men.”
Placing her cheek on his chest, Daffodil squeezed him back. “We’ll have to debate who is luckier later. I would argue that it is I who would win such an argument. I love you, Rex.”
“I love you too, my little flower.”
How to Reform a Rake
By Tammy Andresen
It began at a brothel…
No, that wasn’t entirely true. When Maximillian Ableman, the Duke of Longley, reflected upon that time, he realized that the misadventure began earlier than that at the London Gentleman’s Club, in the wee hours of the morning.
It was all Clearwater’s fault, really. Sirius Renwall, the Earl of Clearwater, was widely considered to be the most wholesome among their set, which really wasn’t saying much at all. He’d been just as inebriated as the rest of them when he’d stood in front of Max and their three other friends and declared that it was blasphemy to spend such a blessed event alone.
And that was how they had all agreed to spend the Christmastide holiday at Clearwater’s estate in Dover. Drunk, of course. That detail was of particular importance.
It had seemed like a fine idea at the time. They’d raised their cups and loudly cheered.
The next morning, however, it appeared far less appealing as Max had climbed into Si’s carriage. Crammed into the tiny space with four other men, he let out a not-so-subtle groan.
“You don’t get to moan.” Rex shot him a dark glare. “We’ve been waiting for you for over a quarter hour.”
Max pressed his palms into the sockets of his eyes. “Why didn’t you come inside?”
“We thought you’d be right out.” Si swayed in his seat. “Stop the carriage.”
“It is stopped,” Chase chuckled. He had an amazing constitution when it came to liquor. “But all the same, Your Grace,” he winked over at Max, “let’s take a second carriage. We’ll divide up by men least likely to lose their liquor from last night. Those will go in Max’s carriage.”